We’re Here To Help
Frequently asked questions
"Can music be a career?"
Yes. There are more opportunities today than ever to have a career in music. But you should probably be ready to expect the following:
- Crazy hours
- No guarantees
- Tons of hard work
- Being misunderstood by family and friends
- Asked to do it for exposure and beer…
If you can be patient, organized, committed to your vision and able to deliver what you say you do… Yes – music can be your career. But if anything else interests you, that’s probably what you should do.
"Which music career is right for me?"
That’s a great question!
Too many emerging musicians think the only path to success is being famous and on the radio. That just isn’t true.
Check out https://www.careersinmusic.com/ for some ideas.
The more you know, the more options you have. Here are a few points to consider:
- “What am I gifted in?”
- “Am I truly gifted, or just enjoy it?”
- “Do my friends and peers see it too?”
- “Do I need to go to school for it?”
- “Is music the way I express myself, or do I just enjoy the experience?”
- “Do I create music, or feel the emotional impact of pre-existing music?”
These general questions could help you see if you are more suited for performing music, creating music, or programming music to help others. All involve music, but each can lead to different career choices.
"Where to pursue a music career?"
For starters, use what is available to you NOW. Bloom where you are planted.
You can learn, experiment and grow right where you are – today. Don’t move to a strange city or sign up for an expensive degree until you’ve prepared and exhausted your current resources.
For example, why spend $30,000 – $50.000 for a year of music school if you don’t have a basic understanding of music theory? You’ll be paying lots of money for BASIC LESSONS.
Instead, get what you need from a local music teacher. It’s much cheaper and faster with one-on-one instruction. Don’t go to Berklee to learn scales. Great school, one of the best… but you’re throwing money out the window if you go there to learn basic music.
THEN… If you can’t do what you want to do in your current location – go to where the action is. If the internet won’t allow you to get it done, pack your things and move. Do your homework, find out where the opportunities are, create a solid plan and go after it 100%.
"Why should I buy from Vibe Guy Music?"
An excellent question!
There are 4 Reasons you can feel good about investing your time and energy into our products:
- PRACTICAL. I have been a full-time musician for 30+ years. Every mortgage, insurance, medical, car, grocery, electric, water, cell phone, clothing, equipment, vacation (with 3 daughters) and unexpected expense has been paid from music. I need to get the job done right the first time, and get paid for it. Period.
- PROVEN. My students, clients and peers use these methods and techniques to achieve their musical goals. They work. At Vibe Guy Music, your success is our goal.
- PRICE. I want emerging musicians to have the resources they need without having to spend a fortune. We deliver our books and courses digitally, no paper, no inventory, no warehouse and no shipping. That savings is passed along to you.
- UNCONDITIONAL DOUBLE-MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Try our products for 60 days. If you aren’t happy, you’ll get every penny back AND you can still keep the product. That’s the best guarantee I’ve ever seen.
"Can I get printed, hard-copy versions of your books?"
No. We decided to keep it digital. It saves trees, time and money.
If you have a classroom situation that demands multiple copies of printed versions, contact us for a quote. We can make it happen.
"What's the difference between PDF and ePUB?"
When purchasing MUSICIAN IGNITION, you have the choice to select either PDF (Portable Document Format) or ePUB (Electronic Publication).
ePUB is an open Ebook file format that is optimized for viewing on multiple devices. You can adjust the font size and it automatically resizes to fit your screen. ePUB is compatible with many eReaders and reading apps, including the Kindle Fire, iPad and iPhone, Galaxy tablets and others.
PDF is the most used electronic document format worldwide. But, it is not fluid or reflowable. The text size cannot be adjusted. Many people prefer PDF if they read/work on a desktop or laptop computer. If you only use an iPad or smartphone, PDF is difficult to view.
Both have advantages and disadvantages. I like having a PDF on my desktop, because that’s where I work. But, I also like having an ePUB version on my phone for portability.
The obvious solution? Purchase the BONUS PACK and have both.
My Order
"What payment methods do you accept?"
Credit cards and PayPal.
"How do I redeem a discount or special offer?"
You can redeem a coupon at checkout.
Sales and promotional offers are constantly changing, so keep your eyes open for a great deal!
"Where is my purchase information?"
Usually, if your purchase details are not in your inbox, you should check your spam folder. The email filters are often hard to bypass. It is probably there waiting for you.
If that doesn’t fix it, you can email us at support@vibeguymusic.com and get the issue resolved.
Sorry! That doesn’t happen often, but it can be frustrating when it does. We appreciate your patience.
"When will I receive my order?"
Normally, you should receive your products within minutes.
Check your email for notification. After your payment is cleared, you will receive a link to access your download.
No waiting. No trip to the mail box or post office.
Security &
"What do you do with my information?"
We don’t keep it.
Other than your email address, we don’t store your personal or financial information.
Your financial information is never even seen by us. That is handled by Ecwid, and they rock.
Google and Facebook, on the other hand, they know where your purple socks are. When we advertise through them, they see and collect certain info. Since we sell online, we work with them to keep this safe and easy. Take a look at our policy pages here:
"Will you share my information with other marketers?"
No. Never. We hate spam.
"If I'm not happy with my purchase, can I return it?"
You bet!
We offer the best guarantee you’ve ever seen. If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, you have 60 days to request a full refund. Every penny will be returned. And… you get to keep the product(s). That’s the best deal you’ll ever see.
No risk. No worry. Nothing to lose.
"Isn't your 60-day money-back guarantee a bit extreme?"
Yes, it probably is.
Some people may choose to be dishonest, ask for a refund and simply keep the product for “free”… right?
But, most musicians are hard-working and generous souls that appreciate a great deal. We also understand that copyrights matter. Honesty matters. Integrity matters.
When we show up for the gig, we expect to be paid, not cheated. I’m betting on the real musicians to step up to the plate, be honest, pay for my products – try them out and then honestly decide if they work or not.
And truthfully, if my products don’t bring real value into your world – I don’t want your money.
That said… Try it. What have you got to lose?
For any other questions, please write support@vibeguymusic.com.