Thank you for allowing me to be part of your musical journey. I appreciate the opportunity to share with you some valuable things I’ve learned along the way.
Music is a Lifetime Investment
Music was not just a hobby for me when I was growing up. It was much more than that.
It was a huge part of my life and still is today.
I loved it, listened to it all the time, wanted to play it, read about it, read about the
musicians – who they listened to, what they practiced, how they practiced, where they
grew up, who their favorite bands were… anything about the world of music was
fascinating to me.
Stay young
That child-like curiosity has never left me, even though I now have
children of my own. Through all the challenges that life can throw at you, music is a
good friend in any circumstance. The joy and satisfaction of playing music will be
yours for a lifetime.
As the song says, “they can’t take that away from me”.. and it’s true. Nobody can.
Do this for yourself
As selfish as this sounds, your musical dreams are valid and important. I’m not talking
about running away from home because nobody understands you, or divorcing your
spouse because they’re killing your rock star fantasies.
Fun is important
Yeah… it’s that simple. Have fun.
Grinning. Eyes closed, listening to your tunes and losing all track of time and responsibility.
Finding that place in today’s world is invaluable to your health and well-being. Life
is stressful in the 21st century. A therapist is expensive, and the time you spend playing music might just save your sanity… and your money.
You’ll thank me one day
Your family will too. If you keep it fun, enjoy it, have
realistic goals, laugh at yourself with that recorder making some pretty awful squeaks
& squawks at times… these skills will benefit you for a lifetime.
Music is a noble art
The art of making music is truly healing and needed by the world. I believe it is the
most pure and powerful medium we have.
If you nurture and develop your art, you can move an audience to tears. You can
help us forget our worries or drive us to greatness with inspiration and hope. You,
the musician, can do that with
Great Music
The world has always been affected by music, both in positive and negative ways.
Where will history place you? This little recorder may just be the launch pad for
your rocket. I’m hoping you’ll fly high.
Tune out the noise – Relax – and make some Great music.
To your musical success!