Recognize – Sound it out – Perform

Module 4: SSP Basics
The Goal
Our goal is multi-dimensional, but very simple. Recognize a rhythm, sound it out, and play it back on your instrument.
First Note - Third Line B
In this lesson we learn WHAT the note is, WHERE it is found on the staff, and HOW the note is fingered on the recorder.
Counting Lesson #1
We will begin to learn how to count ten notes, twenty notes… or even a thousand.
Time Signatures
These two numbers may be the most important numbers you’ll ever learn!
Write, Clap & Play
You’ll never learn to read music well if you don’t understand Rhythm – the most basic element of music.
Send Off
We’ve looked at many symbols and terms. Now it’s time to use them in a musical context – one note at a time. You’re ready to play along with the band.

Paul Babelay
(aka “The Vibe Guy”) is an American vibraphonist, percussionist, drummer and composer. Ray Hair, President of the American Federation of Musicians says, “I would categorize his musicianship and performance ability to rate among the top five (5) percent of all professional musicians throughout the United States and Canada”.